IRIS Institute - COVID-19 : Penitentiary systems at crossroads with the pandemia
Op-Ed | By Nordine Drici | 15.04.2020
Among the major concerns following the outbreak of the Coronavirus crisis worldwilde, the fate of persons deprived of liberty seems of a lesser interest for the media. However, this is a real ticking bomb, with a carceral population that amounts in 2020 around 11 million persons, the equivalent of the population of Greece, Bolivia, South Sudan or Jordan.People deprived of their freedom are among those that are facing the most dangerous exposure to infectious diseases and to the pandemia, as the risk of contamination is very high in places of confinement. In many local contexts, "carceral governance" with regards to health remains more than fragile. Reflecting on the lack of resilience of national carceral governance scheme vis-à-vis those type of large-scale diseases is worth, today more than ever.
You will find Nordine Drici's Op-Ed on this subject on the following link :
Institut IRIS - Tribune COVID-19 : Les systèmes carcéraux du monde à l’épreuve de la pandémie -
Summary of the activities performed by ND Consultance in 2019 - Synthesis
Summary of activities performed | January 2020
Synthesis of ND Consultance achievements in 2019.
Consult the ND Consultance Summary of activities performed: -
Vision Internationale.com
Interview Press | June 2018
Publication of an article entitled "Rohingyas Refugees in Bangladesh : a fragile population at the heart protection stakes", website of Vision International, for the occasion of he World Day of Refugees:
France culture - Humanitarian Law
Interview | Décember 2018
Interview of Nordine Drici, Director of ND Consultance, on France Culture (20 December 2018) for "LSD La Série Documentaire" dedicated to the humanitarian work and the reasons behind humanitarian commitment:
https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/lsd-la-serie-documentaire/ou-va-lhumanitaire-44-action-contre-la-faim-largent-est-vraiment-le-nerf-de-la-guerre Cliquer ici pour Ecouter l'interview
Vision Internationale.com
Interview Presse Web | June 2019
Release of an article entitled « Human Rights and Elections in Pakistan : an utopian diptych ? » on the website of Vision Internationale - (by Christophe Richet):
« Human Rights and Elections in Pakistan : an utopian diptych ? »
Vision Internationale.com
Online Press | 2018-04-22"Bangladesh, theater of the significant number of Human Rights violations, infringement of human dignity, occurrence of widespread torture, in addition to enforced disappearances".
To read the interview (in French) of Nordine Drici on the website of Vision internationale :
BANGLADESH. Human Rights at Risk.
Documentaire ENA | 2018-02-06CISAP - Presentation of a two-weeks training session developed by the French School of Administration (ENA) on crisis and post-conflict management.
Copyrights Vidéos © Tous Droits Réservés, ENA, 2018 -
TV5 Monde
Interview de Nordine Drici pour l'association ACAT | 2015-07-06 to 15:49Emission complete sur le site de TV5: http://information.tv5monde.com/archives/les-jt/64-minutes?date=2015-08-20T16%3A00Z
Ecouter l'interview de l'auteur dans l'émission "64' - Le monde en français" sur RFI.
Cliquer ici pour Ecouter l'interview
Deutsche Welle
Interview of Nordine Drici | 2016-08-22Reaction following the sentence without parole of 13 IRA activists.
Click our to listen to the interview
Deutsche Welle
Interview of Nordine Drici | 2016-08-22Reaction following the sentence without parole of 13 IRA activists.
Click our to listen to the interview
Fréquence protestante
Interview of Nordine Drici on behaf of ACAT-France | 2015-10-22Interview focused on the work of ACAT-France in Tunisia with regards to the fight against torture and impunity. Interviewed by Chantal Crêtaz. Produced by Michel Shaeffer.
Click to access Website
Click our to listen to the interview
Deutsche Welle
Interview of Nordine Drici | 2015-10-09 to 17:17Interview : enforced disappearances in Libya, May 2013. http://www.dw.com/fr/les-affres-des-disparitions-forcées-en-libye/a-16820686
Interview of Nordine Drici | 2015-07-06 to 15:49Complete interview on ECPM Website: http://www.abolition.fr/cahiers-de-labolition-iran-la-peine-de-mort-en-question
TV5 Monde
Interview de Nordine Drici pour l'association ACAT | 2015-07-06 to 15:49Emission complete sur le site de TV5: http://information.tv5monde.com/archives/les-jt/64-minutes?date=2015-08-20T16%3A00Z
Ecouter l'interview de l'auteur dans l'émission "64' - Le monde en français" sur RFI.
Cliquer ici pour Ecouter l'interview